
19 items total
Syfany  - Pinot Noir "Nový Úděl" 2018 6214
Syfany - Magmoon
Syfany - Scream To The Darkness
Syfany - Freedom 2021
Syfany - Freedom 2021
Syfany - Blanc de blancs 2020
Syfany - Rosé de saignée 2020
Syfany - Rosé de saignée 2020
Syfany - Just rosé 2018

Bílé, lehké a dobře pitelné cuvée Ryzlinku, bílého Pinotu a Veltlínu z různých vlastních vinic v obci Vrbice. Minimum zásahů, maximum řemeslnosti!

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Syfany is a family winery in Vrbice, run by Jakub Zborovský and his wife Kája. Together they make wines as their ancestors did. In his work, he values ​​nature the most, which is closely connected with the biodiversity of such an environment. They have grapes for wine production only from their own vineyards, during the planting of which they focused on the most ideal combination of varieties and subsoil, which is why the wines from their well-known Krátký, Úlehle or Skale routes differ considerably.

The winery can be found between the villages of Vrbice and Velké Bílovice in the former agricultural area, where, in addition to wine, they also process other field crops. All wines ferment spontaneously and then mature in various containers, the most used are acacia barrels made of local wood, in which the wines mature on sludge for about 10 months. For lighter basic series, stainless steel tanks or their combinations are used. Low-intervention procedures are the basis of the entire production, most wines roll by gravity, do not clarify, filter and spread minimally or not at all. Lately, we have received a lot of their new limited wines, in which, on the one hand, they abandon their variety, but they add immensely to energy and naturalness, they definitely belong to our favorite wines from Moravia!

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